Music Program
“Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.” Psalm 150:3-5
I. Music Fundamental Course
I. Music Fundamental Course
- Introduce music fundamentals through group activities:
Learning musical melody, harmony, rhythm, different sounds & tone quality through singing, dancing, playing simple musical instruments, game and crafts. - Introduce music listening:
How to listen and understand music. Learn about composers. Multi media & Story books. (Peter and the Wolf, Carnival of Animals, Four Seasons etc.) - Introduce musical instruments:
Piano (Keyboard), Strings (Violin, Cello), Winds (Woodwinds/Brass) etc.
- Introduce music fundamentals by learning a simple musical instruments such as Keyboard, Percussion, Chime bell or Vocal.
- Learning musical melody, harmony, rhythm, different sounds & tone quality through singing, dancing, playing simple musical instruments, game and crafts.
- Introduce music ensemble skill.
- Introduce musical instruments: Piano (Keyboard), Strings (Violin, Cello), Winds (Woodwinds/Brass) etc.
- Basic Introduction of Music:
Music notation, Rhythm, Major and minor scales & keys, simple ear training, Key signatures, Time signature, Musical terms, Melody, Harmony (3rd,5th, Octave, and triads) - Basic Technique of String Instrument:
Posture, Bow technique, Vibrato technique, Scale playing with bow/rhythmic variation, Etude excursus - Basic Ensemble Skill: Two parts Canon Playing